Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Sporting Detection Dogs Association

Atlantic Dog Sports, Halifax, NS

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Atlantic Dog Sports
Location Halifax, NS
Start Date 2024-11-15
Finish Date 2024-11-17
Opening for  Registered Participants only 2024-10-14 08:00:00
Opening for General Public 2024-10-17 08:00:00
Event Link (PL can be downloaded at bottom of page) EVENT

This is a sanctioned Sporting Detection Dogs Association trial.


 Empty Car Dealership
3367 Kempt Rd
Nova Scotia

 Your trial chairperson is Brenda Juskow, and the trial secretary is Maureen Butler Please contact them if you have any questions.

Trial Number Trial Date Judge Started Advanced Excellent Elite Offered Games
1745 2024-11-15 00:00:00 John Mairs Distance, Speed, Aerial,
1746 2024-11-15 00:00:00 John Mairs Distance, Speed, Team,
1747 2024-11-16 00:00:00 John Mairs Containers, Interior, Exterior-area, Containers, Interior, Exterior-area, Containers, Interior, Exterior-area,
1748 2024-11-16 00:00:00 John Mairs Containers, Interior, Exterior-area, Containers, Interior, Exterior-area,
1749 2024-11-17 00:00:00 John Mairs Containers, Interior, Exterior-area, Containers, Interior, Exterior-area,
1750 2024-11-17 00:00:00 John Mairs Containers, Interior, Exterior-area, Containers, Interior, Exterior-area, Team,

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2023, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Saanichton, British Columbia

The Sporting Detection Dogs Association

Meriadoc Dog Sports and Nosy Dogz Scent Detection, Saanichton, BC

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Meriadoc Dog Sports and Nosy Dogz Scent Detection
Location Saanichton, BC
Start Date 2024-11-09
Finish Date 2024-11-11
Opening for  Registered Participants only 2024-10-21 19:00:00
Opening for General Public 2024-10-24 19:00:00
Event Link (PL can be downloaded at bottom of page) EVENT

This is a sanctioned Sporting Detection Dogs Association trial.


 Saanich Fairgrounds
1528 Stellys Cross Road
British Columbia

 Your trial chairperson is Lori Bulmer, and the trial secretary is Philippa Sloan Please contact them if you have any questions.

Trial Number Trial Date Judge Started Advanced Excellent Elite Offered Games
1741 2024-11-09 00:00:00 Pam Koiner Containers, Interior, Exterior-area, Distance, Speed, Team, Aerial,
1742 2024-11-10 00:00:00 Pam Koiner Containers, Interior, Exterior-vehicles,
1743 2024-11-10 00:00:00 Sheri Luzzi 1
1744 2024-11-11 00:00:00 Sheri Luzzi Containers, Interior, Exterior-area,

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2023, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Shawinigan , Quebec

The Sporting Detection Dogs Association

Studio Chez Helly, Shawinigan , QC

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Studio Chez Helly
Location Shawinigan , QC
Start Date 2024-11-30
Finish Date 2024-11-30
Opening for  Registered Participants only 2024-10-17 19:00:00
Opening for General Public 2024-10-20 19:00:00
Event Link (PL can be downloaded at bottom of page) EVENT

This is a sanctioned Sporting Detection Dogs Association trial.


2013 Avenue de la Montagne

 Your trial chairperson is Line Roberge, and the trial secretary is Emilie Seney Please contact them if you have any questions.

Trial Number Trial Date Judge Started Advanced Excellent Elite Offered Games
1665 2024-11-30 00:00:00 Christine Guay Distance, Speed, Team, Aerial,

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2023, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Quebec, Quebec

The Sporting Detection Dogs Association

Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of Canada, Quebec, QC

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of Canada
Location Quebec, QC
Start Date 2024-10-31
Finish Date 2024-10-31
Opening for  Registered Participants only 2024-10-08 18:00:00
Opening for General Public 2024-10-10 18:00:00
Event Link (PL can be downloaded at bottom of page) EVENT

This is a sanctioned Sporting Detection Dogs Association trial.


 Défis Entreprises
1385 Ave. Lapierre Québec (QC) G3E 1H7

 Your trial chairperson is Linda St-Hilaire, and the trial secretary is Eldrew Godin Please contact them if you have any questions.

Trial Number Trial Date Judge Started Advanced Excellent Elite Offered Games
1740 2024-10-31 00:00:00 Christine Guay Exterior-area, Distance, Team, Aerial,

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2023, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Repentigny, Quebec

The Sporting Detection Dogs Association

Centre Canin LeGardeur, Repentigny, QC

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Centre Canin LeGardeur
Location Repentigny, QC
Start Date 2024-12-14
Finish Date 2024-12-15
Opening for  Registered Participants only 2024-10-15 09:00:00
Opening for General Public 2024-10-18 09:00:00
Event Link (PL can be downloaded at bottom of page) EVENT

This is a sanctioned Sporting Detection Dogs Association trial.


 Centre Canin LeGardeur
455 chemin de la Presqu’île

 Your trial chairperson is Jacynthe Boulanger, and the trial secretary is Jacynthe Boulanger Please contact them if you have any questions.

Trial Number Trial Date Judge Started Advanced Excellent Elite Offered Games
1693 2024-12-14 00:00:00 Annick Samson Containers, Interior, Exterior-area, Containers, Interior, Exterior-vehicles,
1736 2024-12-15 00:00:00 Annick Samson Containers, Interior, Exterior-area, Distance, Speed, Team, Aerial,
1737 2024-12-15 00:00:00 Annick Samson Distance, Speed, Team, Aerial,

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2023, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – De Winton, Alberta

The Sporting Detection Dogs Association

Nosey Barkers (Mia Staysko), De Winton, AB

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Nosey Barkers (Mia Staysko)
Location De Winton, AB
Start Date 2024-11-03
Finish Date 2024-11-03
Opening for  Registered Participants only 2024-10-07 19:00:00
Opening for General Public 2024-10-10 19:00:00
Event Link (PL can be downloaded at bottom of page) EVENT

This is a sanctioned Sporting Detection Dogs Association trial.


 De Winton Community Hall
114 Macleod Trail E
De Winton

 Your trial chairperson is Mia Staysko, and the trial secretary is Michelle Newton Please contact them if you have any questions.

Trial Number Trial Date Judge Started Advanced Excellent Elite Offered Games
1643 2024-11-03 00:00:00 Shanna Zook Distance, Speed, Team, Aerial,
1641 2024-11-03 00:00:00 Shanna Zook Distance, Speed, Team, Aerial,

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2023, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Lévis, Quebec

The Sporting Detection Dogs Association

Pitou va Bien, Lévis, QC

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Pitou va Bien
Location Lévis, QC
Start Date 2024-10-05
Finish Date 2024-10-06
Opening for  Registered Participants only 2024-09-23 19:00:00
Opening for General Public 2024-09-25 19:00:00
Event Link (PL can be downloaded at bottom of page) EVENT

This is a sanctioned Sporting Detection Dogs Association trial.


 Pitou va Bien
100-822 route du Président-Kennedy

 Your trial chairperson is Kim Gagnon, and the trial secretary is Kathleen Foster Please contact them if you have any questions.

Trial Number Trial Date Judge Started Advanced Excellent Elite Offered Games
1686 2024-10-05 00:00:00 Annick Samson Containers, Interior, Exterior-area,
1687 2024-10-05 00:00:00 Annick Samson Containers, Interior, Exterior-area,
1688 2024-10-06 00:00:00 Annick Samson Distance, Speed, Team, Aerial,
1689 2024-10-06 00:00:00 Annick Samson Distance, Speed, Team, Aerial,
1690 2024-10-06 00:00:00 Annick Samson Distance, Speed, Team, Aerial,
1739 2024-10-06 00:00:00 Annick Samson Distance, Speed, Team, Aerial,

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2023, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Coaldale , Alberta

The Sporting Detection Dogs Association

Sniff & Tell Scent Detection, Coaldale , AB

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Sniff & Tell Scent Detection
Location Coaldale , AB
Start Date 2024-11-09
Finish Date 2024-11-10
Opening for  Registered Participants only 2024-10-11 18:00:00
Opening for General Public 2024-10-14 18:00:00
Event Link (PL can be downloaded at bottom of page) EVENT

This is a sanctioned Sporting Detection Dogs Association trial.


 Rehoboth Christian Ministries
1222 20 St

 Your trial chairperson is Shauna Ferby, and the trial secretary is Shannon Elves Please contact them if you have any questions.

Trial Number Trial Date Judge Started Advanced Excellent Elite Offered Games
1656 2024-11-09 00:00:00 Christina Legien Containers, Interior, Exterior-area,
1657 2024-11-10 00:00:00 Christina Legien 1

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2023, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Cobble Hill, British Columbia

The Sporting Detection Dogs Association

Cowichan Valley K9 Noseworks, Cobble Hill, BC

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Cowichan Valley K9 Noseworks
Location Cobble Hill, BC
Start Date 2024-10-30
Finish Date 2024-10-30
Opening for  Registered Participants only 2024-09-30 19:00:00
Opening for General Public 2024-10-03 19:00:00
Event Link (PL can be downloaded at bottom of page) EVENT

This is a sanctioned Sporting Detection Dogs Association trial.


 Stu Armour Hall
1438 Fisher Rd
Cobble Hill
British Columbia

 Your trial chairperson is Catherine Mawdsley, and the trial secretary is Lee Hartfield Please contact them if you have any questions.

Trial Number Trial Date Judge Started Advanced Excellent Elite Offered Games
1713 2024-10-30 00:00:00 Leslie Gardiner Distance, Speed, Team, Aerial,
1714 2024-10-30 00:00:00 Leslie Gardiner Distance, Speed, Team, Aerial,

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2023, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

Sanctioned SDDA Trial Announcement – Saint Lazare , Quebec

The Sporting Detection Dogs Association

Guides canins, Saint Lazare , QC

This email is to announce to the SDDA Registered Participants an upcoming trial.

Host Guides canins
Location Saint Lazare , QC
Start Date 2024-09-27
Finish Date 2024-09-27
Opening for  Registered Participants only 2024-09-10 09:00:00
Opening for General Public 2024-09-13 09:00:00
Event Link (PL can be downloaded at bottom of page) EVENT

This is a sanctioned Sporting Detection Dogs Association trial.


 Guides canins
1200 Montee Poirier
Saint Lazare

 Your trial chairperson is Chelsea Dujardin, and the trial secretary is Chelsea Dujardin Please contact them if you have any questions.

Trial Number Trial Date Judge Started Advanced Excellent Elite Offered Games
1639 2024-09-27 00:00:00 Chris Hansen 1
1692 2024-09-27 00:00:00 Chris Hansen 1

Please Note: You are receiving this email because you are a Registered Participant of the SDDA. Receiving these emails are an important part of your benefits.


6400 Glen Knolls Drive
Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2

Copyright © 2023, Sporting Detection Dogs Association, All rights reserved.

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