Below is a list of available forms from the Sporting Detection Dogs Association.
Sample Score sheets
Started Containers
Started Interior
Started Exterior
Advanced Containers
Advanced Interior
Advanced Exterior
Excellent Containers
Excellent Interior
Excellent Exterior
Trial Forms
NEW! Submit your trial application and supporting documents ONLINE!
Trial Supplies Order form (March 2024) (PDF)
Please return the electronic version of the workbook to Eric Jansen as soon as possible after your trial.
All paper forms along with the summary document are to be returned by postage to SDDA Secretary, c/o Norm Dressler, 6400 Glen Knolls Drive, Ottawa, ON K1C 2X2.
Trial Workbook – contains a listing of recently included trials.
Requires Microsoft Excel 2007 or higher. This workbook has ONLY been tested in a Windows (R) environment and ONLY while using Microsoft Excel. With our apologies to those that may run different Operating Systems on their computers or that may prefer to use free programs such as Google Sheets or Numbers. You will be able to open the workbook BUT virtually all functionality will be lost and data integrity may be compromised.
The trial workbook is updated periodically as results become available and as newly registered dogs are added to our database. Please do not download your working copy too early, particularly when you can foresee that an overlap/conflict with another trial may occur. Also, downloading too early could mean that newly registered dogs are not included yet.
Note: when submitting the Excel based trial workbook you do NOT have to manually fill out the Trial results sheet.
Trial Results Workbook Instructions
Please note: the help file contains instructions for the older “One Day” version of the trial workbook. The Excel Workbook has since been updated to a Two Day version and several features have been added over time. Operation of the workbook has not changed much though.
As of February 1, 2019 the workbook also includes a “Games” sheet. The instructions file does not contain any information on this Games sheet.
Any questions can be emailed to Please put “Trial Workbook” as the subject line.