How do I find out about and enter a trial?

If you are an RP (see above), you will receive an email from the SDDA with a Premium List and Entry form attached once the host has made it available and it has been approved. Fill this out and send it to the trial secretary as noted on the entry form. As a Registered Participant, when you get your trial notification, we trust that you are not passing the Premium List onto non-RPs. You paid for this privilege so don’t nullify it! If you are entering a trial as an RP in the RP-only period, you MUST put your number on the entry form so that the host knows you are an RP.

If you are not an RP, you can go to our Events Calendar and download a Premium List and Entry Form which will be posted once the three days advanced entry period has passed. Some trials and other events, such as seminars, may also be posted on our Facebook page.

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